Beauty is God’s Goodness

Beauty is God’s goodness

In a world that is chaotic and is in pain, God reminds us that He is present and He cares for us. God’s goodness to us is revealed in His handiworks —the nature.

Dallas Willard says, “Beauty is God’s goodness made manifest to the senses.” Every time we use our senses to see the beauty of the world around us, we are savouring and experiencing God’s goodness. 

Think of the moments you were enjoying the fresh air in the park, hearing the birds singing, marveling the diverse shapes and sizes of plants and flowers, playing with our pets, or enjoying the symphony of colours in the sky during the sunset.

All these are reminders of God’s goodness and love for us.

‘The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork’ (Psalm 19:1).

Let nothing disturb you

May God still our turbulent heart as we live in this fast-paced world.

We live in a world where there is no peace. We read of tragic event from the news. We know of people who are going through tough times in life. And things around us seem to compete for our attention.

If we are honest with ourselves, everyday we are rushing from task to task, pressured to use every minute that we have to fill fulfilled. Our hearts are turbulent. But as St Teresa prayed, let nothing disturb us. Focus on God. He helps us. He alone suffice.


“Do one thing everyday that scares you” was a quote which was believed to have been said by Eleanor Roosevelt.

She wasn’t saying that we do something unwise and foolish. Rather, she was referring to stepping outside our comfort zones so that we will have greater courage as we move on in life.

On a daily basis, I have to make decisions, solve problems for the good of the church. It can be scary at times as the decisions can affect the running of the church.

I am glad that doing something fearful help me to be able to make better decisions when similar circumstances arise. It is something that I have to keep learning. 🙂