Two Stormy Weeks

Thank you all for your prayers and messages of love when dad was hospitalised.

The past 2 weeks had been a stormy experience for my parents and I. On a Sunday morning, my dad fainted while tending the garden. Mum saw that something was not right and rushed to his side. After seeing specialists, had blood tests done, received a blood transfusion, underwent colonoscopy and gastroscopy, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer on the following Monday. Arrangements were made and he had an operation to remove the colon. He is now resting at home, getting stronger day by day. His appetite is slowly returning. When he talks, his volume was loud, like thunder, just like how he used to (and yes, he is now strong enough to nag me). All these happened within the span of 14 days.

I praise the Lord for letting us detect his cancer while it was still at an early stage, although it came with a frightening experience for us. Life is short.

“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:10)

This episode reminds me the importance of cherishing my loved ones while we still have the chance. There were many words I had left unsaid if God took dad Home the moment he fainted in the garden. I am glad I have been giving this extra opportunity to tell him now that he is loved and appreciated by our family and friends. I praise God that I still have the opportunity to serve dad at his old age (I admit I roll my eyes once in a while at his requests). I realise that I had taken these simple moments in life for granted. As a friend said to me a few months back, it is indeed a blessing to care for our parents in their old age, as some do not have this privilege to do so.

I give thanks to the Lord for family and friends who walk with us and pray for us during this time: for the friend who give us love gift, for friends who took turns to bring us food when dad was hospitalised, for messages of love and support from friends and family near and far. A big heartfelt thank you from us! May God reward you for your kindness and love to us!     

What Is Next for Eirene Letters?

Today marks the 81st day of lockdown. I will be going back to the office next week.

During this lockdown, I had had a wonderful time. It was a restful time. It was also a fruitful time. This blog was revived after a 2-year hiatus when I had no inspiration to write anything. I was also reluctant to write because I was fearful that the contents would not be useful. I was so glad that during this lockdown, I broke out of my fear and started blogging again. It also humbles me to have dear friends reading this blog and benefitting from it.

What is next, now that we are slowly coming out of the lockdown? It will take some time to get used to going back to the office and to commute to work, but keeping a routine will make this transition easier.

For this coming week, first and foremost, I would be building an altar in the office. My mentor Maria encouraged me to set up a space in the office which would be a place for prayerful meditation and not just for work (or paper works). This altar in the office will be a refuge not just for me, but for the people around me too, to experience God at work.

As for this blog, I will continue to write. I have many more blog posts I want to share with you.

Next week, i will be making a Father’s Day video for my flock. And in the following week, I will be exploring using audio instead of videos.

You can also check my Instagram account for some photos with Bible verses.

It is an exciting time ahead and thank you for journeying with me.”May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17)!