As the year 2024 is coming to a close, many of us are reflecting on the year.
There is an ancient prayer called the Examen. It is a reflective prayer used by the Church, allowing us to see God in the people and the events around us each day.
This reflective prayer is used by
St. Ignatius Loyola to find
God’s presence in our daily lives and to discern His plans for us.
I have adapted St Ignatius’ the Examen as I reflect on this year. May you find it helpful too.
(1) Recognise that we are in God’s presence
Take a minute to be with God in silence. Pray that God will guide you through the reflection. Be open to God’s voice.
(2) Rejoice
What are the blessings you have received this year? Give thanks to God.
(3) Review the year
What brought you joy? What challenged you? Pay attention to your emotions as you recall these events.
(4) Repent
Think of the moments where you sinned. Ask God for forgiveness and to heal those whom we have hurt.
(5) Resolve
Look to hope for tomorrow and the new year. Plan to make year 2025 better with God’s grace.