Why I Love Being a Pastor?

  1. The blessings of spending time with God

The best thing I love about being a pastor is that I get to study God’s Word, and even get sponsored to study God’s Word in seminaries! I am also blessed with opportunities to lead prayer meetings and pray with pastors and friends from other denominations. Going for silent retreats yearly is also something I look forward to. These are wonderful blessings of God!   

2. The ability to walk with families through times of joy and times of sorrow

Being a pastor, I am privileged to walk with church members in their life journeys. From church members getting married to having babies and seeing their children grow up and go to school, I had been invited to different stages of their lives. There are also times of sorrow too. I got to spend time praying with the elderly, helping their families to say goodbye to them and then conducting their funerals. Being a pastor gives me access into their lives. 

3. The love from church members

The love and support from church members warmed my heart too. They show their love by taking me on holidays, sending me food and warm my heart with heart-felt messages.    

4. Seeing transformation of lives

I had witnessed transformation of lives: breaking of sin patterns, restoration of relationships, or see someone being more committed to serve the Lord. It is a privilege and a joy to see transformations through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

5. Seeing young people making impact wherever they are

For many years, I have the joy of serving in the Youth Ministry. Seeing these youths transformed by God and being used by God wherever they are is such a joy.

6. Seeing my family walk closely with the Lord   

Since becoming a pastor, my family has been walking closely with the Lord too. It is such a blessing to see my family fervent for the Lord. 

It has been such a great blessing to serve the Lord and His people! I thank the Lord for you too. Thank you for reading my blog posts!