Train Up A Child in a Way He should Go

At the church’s prayer meeting recently, we were praying for the Sunday School ministry.

For those of us blessed to be in the Sunday School when we were children, even now that we are adults, we can vividly remember the Bible stories we have heard, the children songs we sung and the crafts we did during the lessons.

As a child, I looked forward to the Arts and Craft time. It was fun bringing colours to the Bible characters printed on a white piece of paper. And how delightful it was ro play games together with friends.

Children are in their formative years. The Sunday School teachers play an important task of bringing the Gospel to them. They are also vessels of God’s love to these children and their parents. How impactful are Sunday School teachers!

While the teachers’ roles are important in the faith formation of the children, the most crucial role is played by the parents. May the parents reinforce the lessons at home by talking with the children what they have learned, and help the children to memorise Bible verses and songs they have learned.

It takes a village to raise a child. Let us work together to pass on our faith to the next generation who God has entrusted us with.

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