If it wasn’t for wanting to spend more time with my parents, I would have left this city and state many years ago when I was much younger.
I struggled to love this city. I still am. I struggled to enjoy this city. I admit I am very much blinded to what this city has to offer. Oh yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The moon seems to be brighter and bigger on the other side of the globe. Oh yes, my Instagram is filled with pictures of delicious local cuisines and sceneries I took when roaming about. In fact, my Instagram is my attempt to remind myself what a lovely city I am living in.
As much as I have tried loving it, the incident of having my handbag snatched from my arm just earlier this year is the final nail in the coffin. My bag, phone with precious photos, car key, the wallet which had been with me since I was in secondary school, photos and the bookmark my sister drew for me were all gone within a few seconds. Praise the Lord no one was injured.
I have since forgiven the thief and prayed that he will come to know Jesus (my pastor card is in there). But loving this city is still hard to do.
Luke 19: 41 recorded the compassion Jesus has on the city of Jerusalem. Jesus even wept over it. It was because He foresaw the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened in the year AD 70. The temple was never rebuilt.
Jesus had compassion over the city. He wept for people who did not know Him.
I come to this conclusion: I don’t have to love this city. All I should do is to appreciate its beauty, enjoy its rich cultures, enjoy my family and friends, serve my congregation faithfully, and be thankful for a place I can call home. Oh yes, and to pray for this city.
Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, thank you for having compassion on us and on our cities. Help us to be thankful in wherever You have placed us, and to pray for its well being so that it will be filled with Your glory. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.