I enjoy writing in this blog. Unfortunately, ideas do not come easily. There were days when I had no idea what to write about.
Time with God
Spending time with God not because I want to be creative but just being in His presence gives me peace, joy and a sense of calmness. Time with God makes me think about life in general. God is a creative God. He has blessed each one of us with creativity. Each of us are creative individuals. We are wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). You got creativity in you. Why not unleash it?
Exercise is more than just helping us to lose weight or to have stronger bodies. There are studies that show when we exercise regularly, it will boost our creativity. Strap your shoes and let’s go!
Being in the outdoors
Get enough sunlight. It wakes our bodies up and give us Vitamin D which is important to us.
Change the environment
Changing our physical environment can give us new perspectives. I enjoy bringing my work to the coffee shop. Perhaps it is the coffee. Perhaps it is the environment or the music in the background that get my creative juices flowing. A new environment sparks new insights in us.
“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.”
Play an instrument or listen to music. When I am feeling stuck creatively, I listen to my favourite singer. Her music lights us my life and get me dancing.
Be still
Sometimes, the best ideas can come to us when we do nothing and just sit down quietly. Let us not get so busy that our brains are working all the time.
Talk to a friend
Talk to a friend will offer new and fresh insights.
Find Inspiration
We have it easier in this century because we have access to everything at our fingertips. I enjoy looking at others’ masterpieces on Instagram: scenery pictures, pictures of animals, buildings, families. They offer glimpses of this amazingly beautiful world. Our inspiration can come from anywhere, we just need to look around us.
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, The more you have!”
Maya Angelou
I hope this is an encouragement to you when you are feeling stuck creatively!