The church is the people of God, called to be the salt and light to this world (Matt. 5:13-14). In the New Testament, the church is called, “ekklesia”, which is a group of people who have been called out by God.
When the people of God gathered together, there are 3 things which will happen:
It is Christ-centered as we gather to study God’s Word and have fellowship with one another through prayers and through sharing a meal.
2. Christ-exalted
The church is a body of Christ. We are one body (1 Cor. 12:12-31).We exalt Christ as we worship God together. Since we are a body in Christ, we love one another and live in peace and unity. It is not always easy, but let us ask help from the God who first loves us. With His help, we learn to embrace one another and to forgive those who have offended us as God has also forgiven our offenses against Him.
3. Christ-glorified
In the church, we live in unity and we guard our unity by extending peace to one another. As a body of Christ, we share the Gospel with people outside of the church. In our daily living, we obey God’s commands and live lives that glorify God in our actions, words and thoughts.