When I heard that my friend had to submit an essay to critique the work of another person as a part of her homework, I got interested. I told her I wish to see her essay after she had completed it.
In my own craft, it takes years of practice and honing the skill and yet I feel I am lacking in so many ways. I welcome constructive criticisms but the biggest critiques usually come from myself.
I get discouraged at times because I am not where I think I should be.
May be if I am gentler with myself, I will learn to appreciate the journey I am on. When I stopped and turned to see the trails I have trotted, I praised God for He is with me. He had given me this privilege to be on this journey.
My encouragement for myself is to look to God. Do my utmost best for Him and let Him work in me: break me, mould me, and stretch me to be His servant which He delights in.